Adele Ann Yglesias School of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the ABC Medical Centre vs Mariano Gálvez University of Guatemala Solola Branch University comparison

Adele Ann Yglesias School of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the ABC Medical Centre contact

Country Mexico
City México
Province D.F.
Address Rafael Rebollar 35 Col. San Miguel Chapultepec Delegación Miguel Hidalgo
Postal/Zip code -
Phone number +52(55) 5278 9911 ext. 08802
Fax number -

Adele Ann Yglesias School of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the ABC Medical Centre details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1954
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Spanish
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Rehabilitation and Therapy

Degrees and certifications


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Mariano Gálvez University of Guatemala Solola Branch contact

Country Guatemala
City Sololá
Province -
Address 13 Calle, 8-24, zona 2, Barrio San Bartolo
Postal/Zip code -
Phone number +502 7762-4687
Fax number -
Website -

Mariano Gálvez University of Guatemala Solola Branch details

University funding Private
Date of foundation -
Staff count -
Students count -
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Business Administration
Clinical Psychology
Computer Engineering
Law and Social Sciences
Public Accountancy and Auditing
Social Work

Degrees and certifications


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