Arab Open University - Egypt Branch vs ESFF - Graduate School of Foundry and Forge University comparison

Arab Open University - Egypt Branch contact

Country Egypt
City Cairo
Province -
Address Intersection of Makram Ebeid Street and Abd Al-Razeq Al-Sanhoury Street Nasr City
Postal/Zip code -
Phone number +20(2) 671-1862 +20(2) 671-1865
Fax number +20(2) 671-1868

Arab Open University - Egypt Branch details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 2002
Staff count -
Students count 28000 in (2017-2018)
  • Arabic
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Business Studies
Computing Studies
Education Studies
Language Studies
Media and Mass Communication
Postgraduate Studies

Degrees and certifications

Baccalaureos/Bachelor's degree
Graduate Diploma
Master's Degree

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ESFF - Graduate School of Foundry and Forge contact

Country France
City Sèvres
Province -
Address 44 avenue de la Division Leclerc
Postal/Zip code 92310
Phone number +33(1) 55-64-04-40
Fax number +33(1) 55-64-04-45

ESFF - Graduate School of Foundry and Forge details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1924
Staff count -
Students count -
  • French
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Metallurgical Engineering

Degrees and certifications

Diplôme d'Ingénieur

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