CCT College Dublin vs Institute for Higher Education ACECR of Rasht University comparison

CCT College Dublin contact

Country Ireland
City Dublin
Province -
Address 30 - 34 Westmoreland Street
Postal/Zip code D02 HK35
Phone number +353 1 633 3444
Fax number +353 1 633 3446

CCT College Dublin details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 2005
Staff count -
Students count -
  • English
  • Graduate: 3445 - 8990 per year [EUR]
  • Graduate: 3445 - 8990 per year [EUR]
  • International students:Undergraduate: 4500 - 5000 per year
  • National students:Undergraduate: 4500 - 5000 per year
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

ICT and Computing

Degrees and certifications

Higher Certificate
Higher Diploma
Masters Degree
Ordinary Bachelor Degree

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Institute for Higher Education ACECR of Rasht contact

Country Iran
City Rasht
Province Guilan
Address Lakan Blvd - Meshkan Mehr - Provincial Square - Southern Zulfiqar Educational Complex of Gilan Jihad-e-Jihad Organization
Postal/Zip code -
Phone number +98(13) 3346-5557-9
Fax number +98(13) 3346-5562

Institute for Higher Education ACECR of Rasht details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1994
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Persian
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Art and Architecture
Civil Engineering and Surveying

Degrees and certifications

Kardani (Associate degree)
Karshenasi (Bachelor's degree)
Karshenasi Arshad (Master's degree)

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