Faculty of Sustainable Development of Cruzeiro do Sul - IEVAL vs Acupuncture and Massage College University comparison

Faculty of Sustainable Development of Cruzeiro do Sul - IEVAL contact

Country Brazil
City Cruzeiro do Sul
Province Acre
Address Rodovia BR 307, Km 9 - Bairro Boca da Alemanha - Caixa Postal 66
Postal/Zip code 69980-000
Phone number +55(68) 3311-1500
Fax number -
Website http://reges.com.br/ieval

Faculty of Sustainable Development of Cruzeiro do Sul - IEVAL details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 2002
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Portuguese
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements


Degrees and certifications

Especialização/ Aperfeiçoamento

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Acupuncture and Massage College contact

Country United States of America
City Miami
Province Florida
Address 10506 North Kendall Dr.
Postal/Zip code 33176
Phone number +1(305) 595-9500
Fax number +1(305) 595-2622
Website http://www.amcollege.edu

Acupuncture and Massage College details

University funding Private-for-profit
Date of foundation 1983
Staff count -
Students count -
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Massage Therapy
Oriental Medicine

Degrees and certifications

Master's Degree

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