Haikou University of Economics vs The Cairnmillar Institute School of Psychology Counselling and Psychotherapy University comparison

Haikou University of Economics contact

Country China
City Haikou
Province Hainan
Address Guilin Yanggao Campus
Postal/Zip code 571127
Phone number +86-898-65733552;+86-898-65733733
Fax number +86-898-65733552
Website http://www.hkc.edu.cn

Haikou University of Economics details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1974
Staff count 868 in (2018-2019)
Students count 22000 in (2018-2019)
  • Chinese
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Hotel Management
Musical Performances
Radio and Television Broadcasting
Tourism Management
transportation (aviation transportation

Degrees and certifications

Bachelor - Xueshi Xuewei

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The Cairnmillar Institute School of Psychology Counselling and Psychotherapy contact

Country Australia
City Camberwell
Province Victoria
Address 993 Burke Road
Postal/Zip code 3124
Phone number +61(03) 9813 3400
Fax number +61(03) 9882 9764
Website http://www.cairnmillar.edu.au/

The Cairnmillar Institute School of Psychology Counselling and Psychotherapy details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1961
Staff count -
Students count -
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Psychology and Psychotherapy

Degrees and certifications

Graduate Certificate/Diploma
Master Degree

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