Hassan II University of Casablanca vs Ecole Boulle University comparison

Hassan II University of Casablanca contact

Country Morocco
City Casablanca
Province -
Address BP 9167 19, rue Tarik Ibnou Ziad Mers Sultan
Postal/Zip code 21100
Phone number +212(6) 14-000-400/401/402/403
Fax number +212(520) 42-09-59
Website http://www.uh2c.ac.ma

Hassan II University of Casablanca details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1962
Staff count 1238 in (2014-2015)
Students count 2600 in (2014-2015)
  • Arabic
  • French
School year
  • From September to July
Other Locations
  • Campus Mohammedia

Divisions and departements

Applied Arts
Arts and Crafts - ENSAM
Arts and Humanities - Aïn Chock
Arts and Humanities - Ben M'Sik
Arts and Humanities - Mohammedia
Commerce and Management - Casablanca
Education - ENS Casablanca
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering - ENSEM
Law, Economics, and Social Sciences - Aîn Chock
Law, Economics, and Social Sciences - Aîn Sebaâ
Law, Economics, and Social Sciences - Mohammedia
Medicine and Pharmacy
Science Aïn Chock
Science and Technology - Mohammedia
Science Ben M'sik
Technology - EST
Techology Education - ENSET Mohammedia

Degrees and certifications

Diplôme d'Ingénieur
Diplôme universitaire de Technologie
Licence d'Etudes fondamentales
Licence professionnelle
Master spécialisé

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Ecole Boulle contact

Country France
City Paris
Province -
Address 9-21 Rue Pierre Bourdan
Postal/Zip code 75012
Phone number +33(1) 44-67-69-67
Fax number +33(1) 43-42-22-66
Website https://ecole-boulle.org

Ecole Boulle details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1886
Staff count -
Students count -
  • French
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Fine Arts

Degrees and certifications

Brevet de Technicien supérieur

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