Higher Technological Institute of San Luis Potosi Capital vs Paris Conservatoire - Paris National Conservatory of Music and Dance University comparison

Higher Technological Institute of San Luis Potosi Capital contact

Country Mexico
City San Luis Potosí
Province San Luis Potosí
Address Carr.57 México-Piedras Negras Km. 189 + 100 Tram Qro. - San Luis No. 6501, Delegacion Mpal. de Villa de Pozos
Postal/Zip code 78421
Phone number +52(444) 804-12-20
Fax number -
Website http://www.tecsuperiorslp.edu.mx

Higher Technological Institute of San Luis Potosi Capital details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 2003
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Spanish
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements


Degrees and certifications


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Paris Conservatoire - Paris National Conservatory of Music and Dance contact

Country France
City Paris
Province -
Address Parc de la Villette 209, avenue Jean Jaurès
Postal/Zip code 75019
Phone number +33(1) 40-40-45-45
Fax number +33(1) 40-40-45-00
Website http://www.conservatoiredeparis.fr

Paris Conservatoire - Paris National Conservatory of Music and Dance details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1795
Staff count -
Students count 201
  • French
School year
  • From September to July
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Performing Arts

Degrees and certifications

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