Istanbul Geliim University vs Schoof of Management University comparison

Istanbul Geliim University contact

Country Turkey
City Istanbul
Province -
Address Cihangir Auarter, ?ehit Jandarma Komando Er Hakan Öner Street. No:1 Avcilar
Postal/Zip code -
Phone number +90(212) 422-70-00
Fax number +90(212) 422-74-01

Istanbul Geliim University details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 2008
Staff count 256 in (2016-2017)
Students count 23368 in (2016-2017)
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Economics and Administrative Sciences
Engineering and Architecture
Fine Arts
Health Sciences
Pure and Applied Science
Social Sciences

Degrees and certifications

Doktora Diplomasi
Lisans Diplomasi
Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi

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Schoof of Management contact

Country Mali
City Bamako
Province -
Address BP E 3529 Immeuble EX-Cinéma ABC - Badalian II Rue Soundata Keita
Postal/Zip code -
Phone number +223(20) 29 68 32
Fax number -
Website -

Schoof of Management details

University funding Private
Date of foundation -
Staff count -
Students count -
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Accountancy, Management Control, Audit

Degrees and certifications

Master (LMD)

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