Maharishi Markandeshwar University Sadopur vs The City University of New York - York College University comparison

Maharishi Markandeshwar University Sadopur contact

Country India
City Ambala
Province Haryana
Address Sadopur, Near Omaxe Flats Ambala-Chandigarh Highway
Postal/Zip code 134007
Phone number +91(171) 2009-201 +91 80599-30008
Fax number -

Maharishi Markandeshwar University Sadopur details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 2010
Staff count -
Students count -
  • National students:15000-50000 per year depending on programmes [INR]
School year
Other Locations
  • Mullana
  • Solan Campuses

Divisions and departements

Fashion Design
Management Studies
Social Sciences

Degrees and certifications

Bachelor's Degree
Doctor of Philosophy
Master's Degree

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The City University of New York - York College contact

Country United States of America
City Jamaica
Province New York
Address 94-20 Guy R. Brewer Boulevard
Postal/Zip code 11451
Phone number +1(718) 262-2000
Fax number +1(718) 262-2730

The City University of New York - York College details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1966
Staff count 198 in (2013-2014)
Students count 8307 in (2013-2014)
  • English
  • Graduate, 9,650 per year for in-state residents and 17,880 per year for out-of-state residents. [USD]
  • National students:Undergraduate, 6,396 per year for in-state residents and 13,206 per year for out-of-state residents
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Arts and Sciences
Business and Information Sciences
Health and Behavioural Sciences

Degrees and certifications

Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree

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