Maharshi Panini Sanskrit and Vedic University vs Vinnytsia Institute of Designing of Clothes and Entrepreneurship University comparison

Maharshi Panini Sanskrit and Vedic University contact

Country India
City Ujjain
Province Madhya Pradesh
Address B.M. Birla Shodh Sansthan Parisar Dewas Road
Postal/Zip code 456 010
Phone number +91(734) 2526-044
Fax number +91(734) 2524-845

Maharshi Panini Sanskrit and Vedic University details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 2008
Staff count -
Students count -
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements


Degrees and certifications

Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree

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Vinnytsia Institute of Designing of Clothes and Entrepreneurship contact

Country Ukraine
City Vinnytsia
Province Vinnytsia Region
Address prospekt Kosmonavtiv, 7 kab.?125
Postal/Zip code 21000
Phone number +380(432) 51-11-69 +380(432) 46-69-83
Fax number -

Vinnytsia Institute of Designing of Clothes and Entrepreneurship details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 2004
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Ukrainian
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Finance, Taxation and Trade Entrepreneurship
Fundamental Training and Humanities
Textile Design and Technology

Degrees and certifications

Dyplom Bakalavra
Dyplom Magistra
Dyplom Spetsialista

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