Mbojo College of Social and Political Sciences vs Chelyabinsk Institute of Economics and Law named after MV Ladoshina University comparison

Mbojo College of Social and Political Sciences contact

Country Indonesia
City Bima
Province Nusa Tenggara Barat
Address Jalan Piere Tendean, Mande, Mpunda
Postal/Zip code 84115
Phone number +62(374) 44011
Fax number +62(374) 44011
Website http://stisipbima.ac.id

Mbojo College of Social and Political Sciences details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1985
Staff count -
Students count 2276 in (2017-2018)
  • Indonesian
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Communication Studies
Public Administration

Degrees and certifications

Sarjana I

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Chelyabinsk Institute of Economics and Law named after MV Ladoshina contact

Country Russia
City ?eljabinsk
Province -
Address ul. Energetikov 63
Postal/Zip code 454135
Phone number +7(351) 253-54-15 +7(351) 253-54-12
Fax number +7(351) 253-54-15
Website http://www.chiep.ru/

Chelyabinsk Institute of Economics and Law named after MV Ladoshina details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1996
Staff count -
Students count -
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Business and Law

Degrees and certifications

Diplom Spetsialista

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