Nursing School of the Red Cross of San Luis Potosi vs The City University of New York University comparison

Nursing School of the Red Cross of San Luis Potosi contact

Country Mexico
City San Luis Potosí
Province San Luis Potosí
Address Calzada de Guadalupe, 540 Barrio de San Miguelito
Postal/Zip code 78330
Phone number +52(444) 820-69-63;+52(444) 815-60-08
Fax number +52(444) 815-05-19
Website -

Nursing School of the Red Cross of San Luis Potosi details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1970
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Spanish
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Nursing and Obstetrics

Degrees and certifications


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The City University of New York contact

Country United States of America
City New York
Province New York
Address 535 East 80th Street
Postal/Zip code 10021-0795
Phone number +1(212) 794-5555
Fax number +1(212) 794-5549

The City University of New York details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1926
Staff count -
Students count -
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Arts and Humanities
Business Administration
Fine Arts
Library Science
Public Administration
Public Health
Social Work
Urban Planning

Degrees and certifications

Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Doctor's Degree (Research/Scholarship)
Doctor's Degrees (Professional Practice)
Master's Degree

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