Polonia University in Czstochowa vs Saint Vincent Hospital Nursing School University comparison

Polonia University in Czstochowa contact

Country Poland
City Cz?stochowa
Province ?l?skie
Address ul. Pu?askiego 4/6
Postal/Zip code 42-200
Phone number +48(34) 368-42-31
Fax number +48(34) 324-96-62
Website https://ap.edu.pl

Polonia University in Czstochowa details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1992
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Polish
School year
  • From September to July
Other Locations
  • Third Age University

Divisions and departements

Business (PUBS)
Diplomacy (ESD)
Economics and Management (IEIZ)
European Information
Health Sciences and Nursing (IZIP)
Languages, Literature and Culture (ILJIK)
Law and Administration (IPIA)
Scholar and Teacher
Translators (EST)

Degrees and certifications


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Saint Vincent Hospital Nursing School contact

Country Mexico
City Monterrey
Province Nuevo León
Address Serafín Peña 119 Norte Col. Centro
Postal/Zip code 64000
Phone number +52(81) 83-45-77-77
Fax number +52(81) 83-45-87-76
Website -

Saint Vincent Hospital Nursing School details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1961
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Spanish
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Nursing and Obstetrics

Degrees and certifications


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