School of Communication and Advertising vs Petrozavodsk State Music Conservatory Academy named after AK Glazunov University comparison

School of Communication and Advertising contact

Country Morocco
City Casablanca
Province -
Address 18 Rue Bachir Al Ibrahimi Quartier Bel Air
Postal/Zip code -
Phone number +212(522) 47-30-67
Fax number +212(522) 48-07-79

School of Communication and Advertising details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1996
Staff count -
Students count -
  • French
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Communication, Media and Multimedia
Culture, Tourism and Communication
Organizational Communication

Degrees and certifications

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Petrozavodsk State Music Conservatory Academy named after AK Glazunov contact

Country Russia
City Petrozavodsk
Province Respublika Karelija
Address ul. Leningradskaja, 16
Postal/Zip code 185031
Phone number +7(8142) 70-60-06 +7(8412) 76-93-88
Fax number +7(8142) 70-60-06

Petrozavodsk State Music Conservatory Academy named after AK Glazunov details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1967
Staff count -
Students count -
  • English
  • Korean
  • Russian
School year
  • From September to June
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Chamber Music and Accompaniment
Choir Conducting
Finno-Ugrian Music
History of Music
Russian Folk Instruments
String Instruments
Theory of Music and Composition
Vocal Music
Woodwind, Brass and Percussion Instruments

Degrees and certifications

Diplom Spetsialista

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