School-Studio Institute named after VI Nemirovich-Danchenko of the Moscow Art Academy Theatre named after AP Chekhov vs Alberta College of Art and Design University comparison

School-Studio Institute named after VI Nemirovich-Danchenko of the Moscow Art Academy Theatre named after AP Chekhov contact

Country Russia
City Moskva
Province -
Address ul. Tverskaja 6/1 Building 7
Postal/Zip code 125009
Phone number +7(495) 629-3936
Fax number +7(495) 692-5767

School-Studio Institute named after VI Nemirovich-Danchenko of the Moscow Art Academy Theatre named after AP Chekhov details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1943
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Russian
School year
  • From September to July
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Performing Arts Management
Stage and Costume Design

Degrees and certifications

Diplom Spetsialista

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Alberta College of Art and Design contact

Country Canada
City Calgary
Province Alberta
Address 1407-14 Avenue
Postal/Zip code T2N 4R3
Phone number +1(403) 284-7600
Fax number +1(403) 289-6682

Alberta College of Art and Design details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1926
Staff count -
Students count 1238 in (2014)
  • English
  • International students:International students Students: 14,815 per year [CAD]
  • National students:Canadian Citizen + Permanent Resident Students: 5,191 per year [CAD]
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Fine Arts
Liberal Studies
Media Arts and Digital Technologies

Degrees and certifications

Baccalauréat/Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree

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