SENAI Faculty of Technology of São Paulo vs CEMAC School of Tourism and Hotel Management University comparison

SENAI Faculty of Technology of São Paulo contact

Country Brazil
City São Paulo
Province São Paulo
Address Avenida Paulista,1313 Cerqueira César
Postal/Zip code 01311923
Phone number +55(11) 3528-2000
Fax number -

SENAI Faculty of Technology of São Paulo details

University funding Private
Date of foundation -
Staff count -
Students count -
School year
Other Locations
  • 78 units in Brazil.

Divisions and departements

SENAI "Antonio Adolpho Lobbe"
SENAI "Armando de Arruda Pereira"
SENAI "Conde José Vicente de Azevedo"
SENAI "Engenheiro Adriano José Marchini"
SENAI "Francisco Matarazzo"
SENAI "Gaspar Ricardo Júnior"
SENAI "Horácio Augusto da Silveira"
SENAI "Mariano Ferraz"
SENAI "Nadir Dias de Figueiredo"
SENAI "Roberto Mange"
SENAI "Roberto Simonsen"
SENAI "Theobaldo de Nigris"
SENAI Escola "Anchieta"
SENAI Escola "Mariano Ferraz"
SENAI Escola "Mario Amato"

Degrees and certifications

Especialização/ Aperfeiçoamento

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CEMAC School of Tourism and Hotel Management contact

Country Cameroon
City Ngaoundéré
Province -
Address BP 113
Postal/Zip code -
Phone number +237 222 25 17 70
Fax number -
Website -

CEMAC School of Tourism and Hotel Management details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1987
Staff count -
Students count -
  • French
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Hotel Management

Degrees and certifications

Bachelor's Degree/ Licence
Brevet de Technicien Supérieur
Doctor of Philosophy/ Doctorat

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