Socratic Institute vs Centre for Design and Visual Communication University comparison

Socratic Institute contact

Country Mexico
City Xalapa
Province Veracruz
Address Calle Nicolás Bravo No. 17, Col. Centro
Postal/Zip code 91700
Phone number +52(228) 817-9591
Fax number -
Website -

Socratic Institute details

University funding Private
Date of foundation -
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Spanish
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Alternative Measures to Conflict Resolution

Degrees and certifications


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Centre for Design and Visual Communication contact

Country Mexico
City Saltillo
Province Coahuila
Address General Cepeda, 542, Sur Col. Centro
Postal/Zip code 25000
Phone number +52(844) 410-39-84
Fax number +52(844) 417-48-56
Website -

Centre for Design and Visual Communication details

University funding Private
Date of foundation -
Staff count -
Students count -
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements


Degrees and certifications


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