Teacher Training School of Aguascalientes vs TALM - Ecole supérieure dArt et de Design University comparison

Teacher Training School of Aguascalientes contact

Country Mexico
City Aguascalientes
Province Aguascalientes
Address Av. Paseo de la Cruz N°904 Fracc. IV Centenario
Postal/Zip code 20260
Phone number +52(449) 915-15-74
Fax number +52(449) 918-29-20
Website -

Teacher Training School of Aguascalientes details

University funding Public
Date of foundation -
Staff count -
Students count -
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Initial Education
Preschool Education

Degrees and certifications


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TALM - Ecole supérieure dArt et de Design contact

Country France
City Angers
Province -
Address Hôtel d'Ollone 72 rue Bressigny
Postal/Zip code 49100
Phone number +33(2) 72-79-86-90
Fax number +33(2) 41-87-26-49
Website https://esad-talm.fr

TALM - Ecole supérieure dArt et de Design details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1760
Staff count 100 in (2018-2019)
Students count 600 in (2018-2019)
  • French
School year
Other Locations
  • Le Mans
  • campuses in: Tours

Divisions and departements

Art and Sculpture
Visual Art

Degrees and certifications

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