University of Humanistic Studies vs Global Cyber University University comparison

University of Humanistic Studies contact

Country Netherlands
City Utrecht
Province Utrecht
Address Postbus 797
Postal/Zip code 3500 AT
Phone number +31(30) 239-0100
Fax number +31(30) 234-0738

University of Humanistic Studies details

University funding Unknown
Date of foundation 1989
Staff count 11 in (2014-2015)
Students count 2 in (2014-2015)
  • Dutch
  • English
School year
  • From September to July
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Care Ethics and Policy
Humanistic Studies
Humanistic Studies

Degrees and certifications

Doctor's Graad
WO Bachelor (BA/BSc)
WO Master (MA/MSc)

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Global Cyber University contact

Country South Korea
City Seoul
Province Sinsa-dong
Address 11, Apgujeong-ro 32-gil, Gangnam-gu
Postal/Zip code 613-5
Phone number -
Fax number +82(2) 2160-1199

Global Cyber University details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 2010
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Korean
School year
Other Locations
  • Cheonan Campus

Divisions and departements

Counseling Psychology
Culture and Arts
Global Business Management
Integrated Brain Education
Oriental Studies
Practical Foreign Language
Social Welfare

Degrees and certifications

Bachelor's Degree

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