University of Quebec Engineering School - ETS vs ENSAIT University comparison

University of Quebec Engineering School - ETS contact

Country Canada
City Montréal
Province Québec
Address 1100, rue Notre-Dame Ouest (angle Peel)
Postal/Zip code H3C 1K3
Phone number +1(514) 396-8800
Fax number +1(514) 396-8950

University of Quebec Engineering School - ETS details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1974
Staff count 190 in (2014-2015)
Students count 8000 in (2014-2015)
  • French
  • 2,730.49 for Non-Quebec Resident Canadian Students
  • 6,913.33 for International students students. [CAD]
  • International students:Undergraduate tuition, [12 credits]: 6,913.33 per term. [CAD]
  • National students:Undergraduate tuition, [12 credits]: 1,126.21 per term for Quebec Resident Canadian Students
School year
  • From September to August
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Active Control, Avionics and Aeroservoelasticity/ Commande active, avionique et aéroservoélasticité
Advanced Research in Telecommunications/ Recherche avancée en télécommunications
Automated Production Engineering
Avionic and Navigation
Computer Systems Architecture
Construction Engineering
Control and Robotics/ Commande et de robotique
Design and Control of Production Systems/ Conception et contrôle des systèmes de production
Development and Applied Research in Environmental Modeling/ Développement et en recherche appliquée à la modélisation environnementale
Development and Research on Structures and Rehabilitation/ Développement et recherche en structures et réhabilitation
Electrical Engineering
Experimental Station of Pilot Processes in Environment/ Station expérimentale des procédés pilotes en environnement
Imagery and Orthopedics/ Imagerie et orthopédie
Integration and Sustainable Development in Built Environment/ Intégration et développement durable en environnement bâti
Machine Dynamics, Structures and Processes/ Dynamique des machines, des structures et des procédés
Management Networks and Telecommunications/ Gestion des réseaux informatiques et de télécommunications
Mechanical Engineering
Multimedia Communication in Telepresence/ Communication multimédia en téléprésence
Occupational Safety/ Sécurité du travail
Pavement, Roads and Bituminous Materials/ Chaussées, routes et enrobés bitumineux
Power Electronics and Industrial Control/ Electronique de puissance et commande industrielle
Production of Francis Turbine Shroud Ring/ Fabrication de couronnes de turbine Francis
Production Technologies Integration/ Intégration des technologies de production
Products, Processes, and Systems Engineering
Semantics and Cognitive Engineering
Shape Memory Alloys and Intelligent Systems/ Alliages à mémoire et les systèmes intelligents
Software Engineering and Information Technologies
Software Engineering Management/ Génie logiciel
Stress Analysis by Finite Element and Testing/Analyse des contraintes par éléments finis et expérimentation
Telecommunications and Microelectronics Integration/ Communications et d'intégration de la microélectronique
Thermal Technology/ Technologie thermique

Degrees and certifications

Baccalauréat/Bachelor's Degree
Certificat et diplôme universitaire/University certificate and diploma
Diplôme d'études supérieures spécialisées/Graduate Advanced Diploma
Doctorat/Doctoral Degree
Maîtrise/Master's Degree

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ENSAIT contact

Country France
City Roubaix
Province Cedex 1
Address BP 30329 2 Allée Louise et Victor Champier
Postal/Zip code 59056
Phone number +33(3) 20-25-64-64
Fax number +33(3) 20-24-84-06

ENSAIT details

University funding Public
Date of foundation 1889
Staff count -
Students count -
  • French
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Economics and Social Sciences
Science for Engineering

Degrees and certifications

Diplôme d'Ingénieur
Licence professionnelle
Mastère spécialisé

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