Wenceslau Braz Nursing School vs Saint-Luc Institutes Bruxelles École supérieure des Arts - École de recherche graphique University comparison

Wenceslau Braz Nursing School contact

Country Brazil
City Itajubá
Province Minas Gerais
Address Avenida Cesário Alvim, 566 Centro
Postal/Zip code 37500000
Phone number +55(35) 3622-0930
Fax number +55(35) 3622-1043
Website http://www.eewb.br

Wenceslau Braz Nursing School details

University funding Private
Date of foundation 1954
Staff count -
Students count -
  • Portuguese
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements


Degrees and certifications

Especialização/ Aperfeiçoamento

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Saint-Luc Institutes Bruxelles École supérieure des Arts - École de recherche graphique contact

Country Belgium
City Brussels
Province -
Address rue du Page, 87
Postal/Zip code 1050
Phone number +32 (0)25 38 98 29
Fax number -
Website http://www.erg.be

Saint-Luc Institutes Bruxelles École supérieure des Arts - École de recherche graphique details

University funding Unknown
Date of foundation 1972
Staff count -
Students count -
  • French
School year
Other Locations

Divisions and departements

Graphic and Visual Arts

Degrees and certifications

Bachelier (enseignement supérieur de type court)

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